Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bundesliga - Unique Internationals

This is the first of a series of lists I plan to post about unique internationals in the world's top leagues. The idea is to find International players that are the only one from their home country playing in each league. I'll randomly start with the German Bundesliga, and in future posts, will cover more of the world's leagues.

Sahr Senesie - Sierra Leone

Shao Jiayi - China

Mohamed Zidan - Egypt

Collin Benjamin - Namibia

Petri Pasanen - Finland

Arturo Vidal - Chile

Anton Putsilo - Belarus

Oleksiy Byelik - Ukraine

Juvhel Tsoumou - Repuplic of the Congo

Carlos Augusto Zambrano - Peru

Anthar Yahia - Algeria

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