Time for a bit of Nostalgia. This clip is a pregame tv opening for a 1977 NASL game between the Tampa Bay Rowdie's (welcome back) and Pele's New York Cosmos. I think that modern ESPN soccer broadcasts should think about bringing the TVS music and graphics into their weekly games. What better way to get pumped up for "not a football game, but America's fastest growing sport. Professional soccer."
If you ever watch or listen to baseball you might recognize the announcer as ESPN's Jon Miller (with hair). Oh, and give it up for the analyst, Walt Chyzowych, who was an influential person in US soccer and happened to be the coach of the US national team when I was born. (His announcing skills could have used some work though, he was no Bruce "Kip from Napolean Dynamite" Arena).
Chyz is a bit nervous, no? Could they not afford a second mike?