Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Superliga 2008: Players from Outside of North America

Here's an official description of the SuperLiga tournament from

SuperLiga™, a premier tournament that pits the best of the United States against the best of Mexico, returns with its second edition to award the heftiest winner’s purse in North American soccer history.

Being that it is a "North American" tournament, I thought it would be interesting to look at which players on the club rosters in Superliga are not originally from CONCACAF countries.

Group A

Houston Dynamo

Tony Caig (England)
Franco Caraccio (Argentina)
James Georgeff (Australia)
Guy-Roland Kpene (Ivory Coast)

Chivas Guadalajara

DC United
Gonzalo Peralta (Argentina)
Marcelo Gallardo (Argentina)
Fred (Brazil)
Luciano Emilio (Brazil)
Jose Carvallo (Peru)
Gonzalo Martinez (Colombia)
Jaime Moreno (Bolivia)
Rod Dyachenko (Russia)
Dan Stratford (England)
Francis Doe (Liberia)

Javier Muñoz Mustafá (Argentina)
Federico Vilar (Argentina)
Gabriel Pereyra (Argentina)
Andrés Carevic (Argentina)
Giancarlo Maldonado (Venezuela)
Luis Gabriel Rey (Colombia)

Group B


Damian Álvarez (Argentina)
Gabriel Caballero (Argentina)
Bruno Marioni (Argentina)
Christian Giménez (Argentina)
Miguel Calero (Colombia)
Julio Manzur (Paraguay)
Christian (Brazil)

Santos Laguna
Fernando Ortiz (Argentina)
Walter Jiménez (Argentina)
Daniel Ludueña (Argentina)
Vincente Matias Vuoso (Argentina)
Christian Benítez (Ecuador)

New England
Kheli Dube (Zimbabwe)
Kenny Mansally (The Gambia)
Sainey Nyassi (The Gambia)

Chivas USA
Paulo Nagamura (Brazil)
Raphael Wicky (Switzerland)
Alex Zotinca (Romania)

DC United has 10 players from outside of North America on their roster followed by Pachuca with 7.

There are 27 players from South America in the tournament.

By Nation:
15 - Argentina
4 - Brazil
3 - Colombia
2 - England
2 - The Gambia
1 - Peru
1 - Bolivia
1 - Russia
1 - Australia
1 - Ivory Coast
1 - Liberia
1 - Venezuela
1 - Paraguay
1 - Ecuador
1 - Zimbabwe
1 - Romania
1 - Switzerland

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