Colombus Crew
Rich Balchan - BALL-shin
Andy Gruenebaum - Green-UH-bohm
William Hesmer - HESS-muhr
Andy Iro - EYE-roh
Justin Meram - MEER-am
Leandre Griffit - GRIF-fee
Chicago Fire
Baggio Husidic - WHO-sid-ICH
Patrick Nyarko - NEE-yah-koh
Orr Barouch - Barr-ooch
Gaston Peurari - Pure-Rah-Ree
Marko Maric - MARE-ich
Josip Mikulic - MICK-ohh-Lich
Cristian Nazarit - Christian Nas-a-reet
Yamith Cuesta - Jah-MEET
Diego Chaves - CHA-vez
Dasan Robinson - DAY-sahn
Bratislav Ristic - Riss-tich
Chivas USA
Zarek Valentin - ZARE-ek VAL-en-teen
Marcos Mondaini - MAHR-kose mohn-dai-EE-nee
Gerson Mayen - HER-son my-EN
Ante Jazic - ON-tay JAZZ-ik
Victor Estupiñan - VEEK-tohr ess-too-pin-YAN
Colorado Rapids
Jeff Larentowicz - lah-REN-toe-wits
Joseph Nane - Nah-ney
Quincy Amarikwa - ah-MARE-ik-WA
Ross LaBauex - la-BO
Caleb Folan - FOE-len
Sanna Nyassi - SAWN-nah ny-AH-see
Pablo Mastroeni - MAHS-troh-eny
Mike Holody - HAH-lo-dee
Kosuke Kimura - KOSE-kay kih-MOO-rah
Steward Ceus - SAY-oss
FC Dallas
Ugo Ihemelu - OO-go ee-HEM-meh-loo
Jair Benitez - Ja-EER
David Ferreira - dah-VEED feh-RARE-ah
Eric Avila - Ah-vee-la
Brek Shea - shay
DC United
Blake Brettschneider - bret-SNIDE-ur
Charlie Davies - DAVE-ease
Bill Hamid - Ah-meed
Dejan Jakovic - DAY-on YA-ko-vich
Joseph Ngwenya - in-GWEN-YA
Houston Dynamo
Kofi Sarkodie - KO-fee sar-KO-dee
Mike Chabala - chuh-BALL-uh
Josue Soto - hoh-SWAY
Lovel Palmer - luh-VELL
Tyler Deric - DARE-ick
Andre Hainault - HAY-no
Los Angeles Galaxy
Todd Dunivant - DUNN-uh-vint
Frankie Hejduk - HAY-duck
Jovan Kirovski - YO-vahn kier-OV-ski
Chris Birchall - BURCH-ill
Juan Pablo Angel - AHN-hell
Juninho - juh-NEEN-yo
Leonardo - LAY-oh-nahr-DOE
Paolo Cardozo - PAW-low car-DOH-zo
New England Revolution
Matt Reis - REESE
Didier Domi - DID-ee-ay DOE-mee
Ousmane Dabo - OOSE-mahn DAH-boe
Kenny Mansally - man-SAL-lee
Chris Tierney - TEER-nee
Rajko Lekic - RYE-ko LECK-kich
Kheli DUBE - kelly do-BAY
Zack Schilawski - sha-LAW-ski
Sainey Nyassi - SAIN-nee ny-AH-see
Shalrie Joseph - shall-REE
Benny Feilhaber - FAIL-hob-ber
Pat Phelan - FAY-lin
Marko Perovic - PEAR-oh-vitch
New York Red Bulls
Teemu Tainio - TEH-moo TAIN-nee-oh
Rafa Marquez - MAHR-kez
Jan Gunnar Solli - SOH-lee
Dwayne De Rosario - DEE-row-SAR-ee-oh
Thierry Henry - TYAIR-ree ahn-REE
Juan Agudelo - agg-goo-DELL-oh
Bouna Coundoul - BOO-nah KOON-dool
Joel Lindpere - JOL lind-PEAR
Sacir Hot - SAH-chee
Philadelphia Union
Faryd Mondragon - Fa-REED Mon-dra-gone
Danny Califf - KAY-liff
Sebastien Le Toux - See-BASS-t-en Luh-TOO
Danny Mwanga - Muh-WANG-guh
Amobi Okugo - A-Moby Oh-KOO-go
Levi Houapeu - Lev-ee WAH-poo
Keon Daniel - Kee-ON Dan-ee-el
Carlos Ruiz - Roo-EEZ
Jack McInerney - Mac-ER-nern-ee
Sheanon Williams - SHANE-en
Portland Timbers
Eric Brunner - BREW-ner
Darlington Nagbe - NAG-be
Sal Zizzo - ZEE-zoh
Bright Dike - DEE-kay
Kalif Alhassan - KA-leaf ALL-ha-sahn
James Marcelin - mar-sa-LEE-in
Jorge Perlaza - HOR-hay per-LA-za
Adam Moffat - MAW-fit
Diego Chara - dee-EH-goh char-AH
Brian Umony - oo-MO-nee
Futty Danso - FOOT-ee DAN-sue
Real Salt Lake
Jamison Olave - HA-meh-son oh-LAH-vay
Fabian Espindola - es-PEEN-doh-lah
Jean Alexandre - GENE ALEXANDER
Alvaro Saborio - sah-bo-REE-oh
Nick Rimando - ra-MAHN-do
San Jose Earthquakes
Ike Opara - oh-PAR-ah
Khari Stephenson - CAR-ee
Joey Gjertsen- JURT-son
Anthony Ampaipitakwong - am-PIE-pitak-wong
Steven Beitashour - BAY-tah-sure
Seattle Sounders FC
Mike Fucito - few-SEE-toe
Patrick Ianni - ee-AWN-ee
Erik Friberg - FREE-burg
Michael Tetteh - TETT-tay
Nate Jaqua - JAKE-wuh
Roger Levesque - luh-VECK
Lamar Neagle - NAY-gull
Sporting Kansas City
Korede Aiyegbusi - co-red-eh eye-eh-BOO-see
Craig Rocastle - ROW-castle
Matt Besler - BEEZ-ler
Graham Zusi - ZOO-see
Konrad Warzycha - Var-ZEE-hah
Eric Kronberg - Krawn-berg
Birahim Diop - Bee-ra-heem Dee-op
Davy Arnaud - ARE-no
Kei Kamara - kye kah-MAHR-ah
Stephane Auvray - OH-vray
Aurelien Collin - au-REEL-ee-en
Milos Stojcev - MEE-los STOY-chev
Toronto FC
Nana Attakora - at-ta-kora
Mikael Yourassowsky - yur-as-off-ski
Tony Tchani - chan-ee
Stefan Frei - stef-in fry
Gianluca Zavarise - za-va-re-see
Milos Kocic - ko-sich
Vancouver Whitecaps
Jay Nolly - NAW-lee
Bilal Duckett - bih-LAWL DUCK-it
Alain Rochat - Ah-LAHn roe-SHA
Nizar Khalfan - ne-ZAR KAL-fan
Davide Chiumiento - CUE-mee-EN-toe
Gershon Koffie - GURR-shin co-fee
Eric Hassli - AH-slee
Russel Teibert - TIE-bert
Peter Vagenas - VA-yeah-NOSS
Mouloud Akloul - moo-LOOD ak-LOOL
I think Miloš Stojčev should be "MEE-losh" not "MEE-los," unless he's decided not to go by his birth name (sort of like Jazić, I guess?). Kocić has the same first name, too. But the "c" is actually a "ts," if anyone is interested. "KO-tsich."
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, what's the source for this stuff?
Sorry if i'm posting two months late. I'm just always interested in these things.
These pronunciations are all from the official game/media guides released by MLS.
Sporting KC v Toronto FC game guide
There's actually a few names that don't seem "exactly" right to me but all of these are the pronunciations listed in the official media guides.
Thanks for reading and the comment.